The Fish Creek Gallery is open Thursday - Monday from 10am - 3pm during the school term, and every day during Victorian School Holidays. Please direct all other enquiries to E; alisonlesteronline@gmail. Gallery Contact; 0438 869 544. If you are having issues processing online payments, try Paypal, or contact the Gallery direct on 0438 869 544 and we will be able to assist you.

Antarctic Exhibition

In 2005 Alison Lester travelled to Antarctica as an Australian Antarctic Arts Fellow. Every night on the six week voyage aboard the Aurora Australia she emailed children around Australia ( and the world ) describing her experiences and asking the kids to draw and send her their interpretations of them. 

She arrived home to a huge pile of envelopes full of drawings and used some of the drawings to create the Kids Antarctic Art exhibition, a collaboration of the children’s drawings and her design and colour.

The Kid's Antarctic Art Exhibition opened at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery in 2007 and has been shown in many places since. All profits from the images go to the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne.

  1. Seal Poking Head
  1. Antarctic Sunset
  1. Working In Antarctica
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