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Celeste Sails To Spain SOFTCOVER

  • $16.99
  • $16.95

What does Clive do at the park? How does Rosie celebrate? Where does Celeste go in her dreams? Follow everybody s favourite children as they go out into the world.

Children will have fun asking themselves what their favourite activities are while following the adventures of Frank, Clive, Nicky, Tessa, Ernie, Rosie and Celeste. Each character enjoys some fun activity, such as visiting the museum, the park and having celebrations.

Applauding individuality, Celeste Sails to Spain will incite questions and comments from young audiences. Children will delight in Alison Lester's cheerful artwork and simple text that is filled with familiarity.

Celeste Sails to Spain is an interactive book that depicts seven children happy in their own uniqueness.

The fifth book in Alison Lester's delightful Clive Eats Alligators series.

Ages: 2-5 years

Format: Soft Cover

Publisher: Hachette Children's Books