The Fish Creek Gallery is open Thursday to Monday from 10am - 3pm. Please direct all other enquiries to E; alisonlesteronline@gmail. Gallery Contact; 0438 869 544. If you are having issues processing online payments, try Paypal, or contact the Gallery direct on 0438 869 544 and we will be able to assist you.


Clive Eats Alligators 6 book PACK

  • $89.99

Applauding individuality, Clive Eats Alligators will incite questions and comments from young audiences. Children will delight in Alison's cheerful artwork and simple text that is filled with familiarity.

The 'Clive Eats Alligators' series is an interactive collection that depicts seven children happy in their own uniqueness. While Frank eats muesli for breakfast and Rosie enjoys eggs and bacon, Clive prefers to eat alligators. Here is a group of children who all dare to be different in their own special way. 

The Clive Eats Alligators 6 book pack includes the following titles: 

  • Clive Eats Alligators
  • Rosie Sips Spiders
  • When Frank Was Four
  • Tessa Snaps Snakes
  • Celeste Sails to Spain
  • Ernie Dances to the Didgeridoo

Age: 2+ years

Format: Soft Cover

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt