The Fish Creek Gallery is open Thursday to Monday from 10am - 3pm. Please direct all other enquiries to E; alisonlesteronline@gmail. Gallery Contact; 0438 869 544. If you are having issues processing online payments, try Paypal, or contact the Gallery direct on 0438 869 544 and we will be able to assist you.


Magic Beach Jigsaw & Book PACK

  • $24.99

Imgaine a perfect beach where you can swim, surf, splash through the waves, make sandcastles, hunt for treasures, explore rock pools, muck about in boats, fish from the jetty, and build a bonfire under the stars.

Imagine a beach where adventure begins.

A favourite with families and a bestseller over many years, Magic Beach is a true Australian classic.

This special set includes the bestselling book and a 150 piece jigsaw of the '...we play in the sand for hours..." illustration.