The Fish Creek Gallery is open Thursday to Monday from 10am - 3pm. Please direct all other enquiries to E; alisonlesteronline@gmail. Gallery Contact; 0438 869 544. If you are having issues processing online payments, try Paypal, or contact the Gallery direct on 0438 869 544 and we will be able to assist you.

Ambassador for the National Year of Reading

Ambassador for the National Year of Reading

In 2012 I was honoured to be an ambassador for The National Year of Reading which included a national tour of the Are We There Yet? exhibition.

The year wound up with a celebration at the Inverloch library where I was presented with my own surfboard, decorated by school children and with its own library bar code.

Here I am having a celebratory surf (I stood up about 2 seconds) with staff from the West Gippsland Library, including John Murrell who has very sadly since passed away, and some of the Swell Mummas surfing group.