The Fish Creek Gallery is open Thursday - Monday from 10am - 3pm during the school term, and every day during Victorian School Holidays. Please direct all other enquiries to E; alisonlesteronline@gmail. Gallery Contact; 0438 869 544.

21st February

21st February

Hello everyone, its about 5.00pm on my first day at sea. We are 200 nautical miles south-west of Hobart in fairly calm seas. I’m still finding my sea legs but haven’t been sick. The anti-seasick tablets make me very sleepy and I had a delicious sleep last night, feeling snug and safe in my bunk as the ship crashed through the sea.

It was very beautiful leaving Hobart, with a big moon reflecting on the water and lights twinkling along the hills.

The ship is bright orange, I guess so it shows up against the snow and ice. (Maybe they just had heaps of that colour left over from something.)