Hi everybody, the seas got much bigger overnight. so the boat is rocking and rolling but ( touch wood ) I don’t feel seasick.
Everyone staggers around the ship hanging on to rails all the time.
The ocean is very dark blue and glittering.
Its still not very cold, though the wind drives you inside pretty quickly.
An albatross flew behind the ship for a long time today, gliding across the waves without flapping its wings at all, just smooth sweeps over the peaks and troughs.
I met the chefs this morning, there are three, Alan, the head chef, Tony and Katrina.
Katrina took me for a tour of the pantries and freezer and it was interesting to see such big supplies of eggs, meat, vegetables etc.
The meals they make are fabulous and if I don’t keep going to the gym I’ll be a whopper by the time I get home.
There’s about 2000 nautical miles to go now, before we get to Mawson, but we’ll hit ice before then.
All the seasick people are hanging out for the ice because then the ship stops rocking.